Complete Solutions For Your Payment Processing Needs
We provide the low operation costs large companies enjoy with the personalized support you need to succeed.
Merchant Funding Programs*
Titanium Payments offers a myriad of financing solutions that deliver working capital to merchants. With a 92% approval rate, we can find a way to put money in your bank account in as little as seven days, regardless of your credit history.
Gift & Loyalty Programs
Merchants are excited about promoting their company with a personalized gift card. We have two gift card programs we can offer our merchants and they can start with as little as 100 cards or as many as 100,000 custom cards.
Almost every time someone uses an ATM, they pay a fee. People want the convenience of getting cash at the time and place they need it and by using ATMs provided by Titanium Payments you can capitalize on those fees.
Ensuring that each of our merchants is PCI compliant is critical to protecting the data of both merchants and consumers. Because PCI is so important, we provide an in-house, turnkey solution to protect our merchants.
EMV-Capable Terminals
VeriFone, Lipman and Hypercom are just a few of the national equipment providers we represent. Let us assist you in determining what processing equipment will work best for your unique business environment.
Pay at the Pump Processing
Until a few short years ago most gasoline stations had only one or two options for their petroleum processing needs. Titanium Payments has a petroleum program that can work with most controllers and offer processing opportunities for most fleet cards.
Check Guarantee & Conversion
Checks now clear banks within hours instead of days. A check guarantee program with automatic deposit or conversion makes bad checks a thing of the past and out of state checks are just as welcome as checks from the bank next door.
ACH, ARC & Recurring Billing
It is better to have your hard earned money in an account instead of sitting in an account receivables file. These three products are transforming cash strapped businesses into efficient billing machines. We can show you how to transform your broken accounts receivable department into a highly efficient cash collector.
RCK/Check Recovery
For ticket merchants who do not offer check guarantee and do not want to collect bad checks from valued clients, we offer check recovery that will electronically collect bad checks and give you the full face value of the check.
E Commerce/Internet Processing
We represent providers who manage ecommerce services for many of the largest Internet retailers. We are also direct providers for some of the leading payment gateways such as Paytrace, AuthorizeNet, & eProcessing Network.
B2B/Card Not Present
We are experts at building solutions to simplify the complex world of business to business and card not present transactions. Our indiviually crafted packages not only provide a safe processing mechanism for our clients but cost effective as well.
Retail Credit Card Processing
Titanium Payments represents the top three credit card processors in the country. We are able to integrate with almost any point of sale software and associated terminals used by the leading processors.
Pin Based Debit Card Processing
Titanium Payments has some of the lowest online debit rates in the country. By offering customers the ability to enter their pin number when using a debit card, our merchants are able to realize significant savings.